11:30 AM – Prayer Gathering in Boyce Chapel
3:30 PM – Fitness: Pickleball at the EFLC
5:00 PM – Dinner in Ellis Hall
5:30 PM – Handbell Choir Rehearsals
5:45 PM – Orchestra Rehearsal
6:00 PM – FirstKids Midweek Jam
6:00 PM – First Student Ministries Midweek in 1420
6:00 PM – Adult Midweek Connect Classes
6:45 PM – Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal
8:00 PM – College Ministry Worship
Midweek Meal – March 26
Pork chops
Brown rice
Broccoli casserole
Chicken nuggets
Brown rice
Green bans
Cost is $8 per adult, $6 per child and student with a $30 per household cap. If you have any specific dietary restrictions, please contact melindatimmerman@fbccola.com and we will try to accommodate the best that we can.
11:30 am
Join Pastor Richard Humphries and staff for a break in your midday filled with prayer, worship, and a Word from God. For those who can’t make it in person, the Prayer Gathering will be streamed at 11:30 am.
5:00 pm – 5:45 pm*
Fuel up with your church family with dinner in Ellis Hall before heading out about the FBC campus for your midweek @ First activities.
Cost: $8 for adults / $6 for kids / $30 family max cost
Pulled Pork
Mac and Cheese
Green Beans
Kid’s Menu
Chicken Nuggets
*The serving line is open from 5:00-5:45
If you have dietary restrictions and would like to participate in Wednesday night dinner please e-mail or call Melinda at 803-343-8562 and she will be happy to try to help you.
6:00-7:30 pm
Choose your Midweek Class below. Classes meet on Wednesday evenings from 6:15-7:30 beginning January 8. Room locations are listed with each class description.
Available Classes:
The Kingdom of God led by Jacob Helsley. Meets in Lindsay 309.
Expository Study of Hebrews led by Rev. Harold Weaver. Meets in Lindsay 301.
A Study of Acts led by Leahan Doar, Kate Pollard, Ali Hendrick, McKenna Carter (Women). Meets in Lindsay 314.
Revelation study by Jen Wilkin led by Rachel Church & Mary Ann Milne (Women). Meets in Lindsay 313.
Women in the Mission of God E-book study by NAMB (4 weeks) & then Planted study from Well Watered Woman Co. (12 weeks) led by Audra Edwards & Carlyn Mitchell (Women). Meets in Lindsay 315.
6:00 pm
6:00 pm
Orchestra : 5:45 pm
Sanctuary Choir : 6:45 pm
6:00pm-8:00 pm
8:00 pm