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Every disciple going.

Proclaiming Jesus to all nations.

At First Baptist Church we are following Christ’s command from Matthew 28 that says “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations…” There are many ways in which we accomplish this mission.

Whether locally, nationally, or abroad there are plenty of opportunities for you to get involved in God’s mission to bring the Gospel to the lost in this world! 


Prayer is Essential to Missions

Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.

Matthew 9:37-38


Ways to pray. 

Pray with us as we seek to begin a long term partnership in the Pacific Rim region. This year we will be taking a trip to Thailand.

Please pray for this unreached people group with little access to the gospel.

Hundreds of thousands of immigrants and refugees have flooded into Athens, Greece. Pray for gospel workers who are seeking to meet physical and spiritual needs in order to make disciples and plant churches.

Pray for workers around the world on the frontlines each day by lifting up prayer requests they have submitted. The requests change daily.

Pray for Drew Ansley and Refuge Detroit as they seek to bring a new hope to all those in their community. Pray for our mission teams who will go and support the work of Refuge throughout the year.

In many parts of Utah, less than 2% of the population is considered evangelical Christian and could be considered unreached. Pray for abundant gospel sowing that many may hear and respond to the gospel.

Prayer requests are featured each week from North American Mission Board missionaries and chaplains.

Pray for the gospel to reach every corner of our city so that every person has the opportunity to hear and respond to the gospel.

Pray for international church plants to be started throughout our city so that every person may worship in their native language and culture.


Support the Mission

Send a gift

Help fulfill our mission to advance the gospel.

To support short-term mission trips here at First, please choose “Global Missions” in your giving.



Share the Good News

And he said to them, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.”

Mark 16:15


Opportunities to go

Every Disciple going.

We are committed to the mission God has given us. We want every disciple in our church to live and share the good news. Whether locally or abroad there’s something for you. 


The Feed the Hungry program feeds the community one Saturday a month by grilling out in the church parking lot. It is led by church member, Ron Paul, and functions with the help of volunteers. Check the missions event section for upcoming dates. 

The International Ministry welcomes and encourages those new to our community. It’s a great way to reach the nations from right here in our city. Contact Ryan Dupree for more information on this important ministry.

We lead Good News Clubs at two different schools to share the gospel with kids through games, songs, and Bible stories. Volunteers are needed once per week for six weeks each semester.

Volunteers can be a reading buddy one morning a week at Saluda River Academy for the Arts. A school background check is required before beginning. Contact for more information.

Women on Mission members seek to live out missions through missions projects, ministries, prayer, giving, and Bible study. Our Women on Mission group typically meets on the first Monday of the month. Contact Dale Carruth for more information.

The mission of Operation Christmas Child is to demonstrate God’s love in a tangible way to children in need around the world. We participate in this mission by packing shoe boxes beginning in October each year.


We are partnering with Drew Ansley and Refuge Detroit to strengthen the church and reach the community with the gospel.

Many parts of Utah are considered unreached with only about 2% of the population considered to be evangelical Christian in those areas. We have sent teams to Utah for several years to bring the gospel to those areas.

College students spend eight weeks during the summer in a strategic city to share the gospel and support established church planters in this immersive missions experience.


Mission teams from our college department provide support to a team of workers that serves the refugee community in Athens in order to plant churches among them.

Upcoming Events & Trips

May 31-June 10  //  Thailand (Trip now Closed)
We will assist the Bangkok team in carrying out their ministry vision to reach the city of more than 10 million people with less than 1% being Christian.

June 14-23  //  Greece
We will work with church planters in the city of Athens by giving support to their team strategy through evangelism and other projects as needed.

July 8-12  //  Builders for Christ
This ministry gives support to existing churches by helping with construction projects. The 2024 project will build a 13,462 square foot church facility in Eau Claire, Wisconsin.

July 12-20, 2024  //  Europe (Trip now Closed)
We will be making an impact in the lives of middle and high school students through worship, small group discipleship, recreation, and fellowship.

This team will focus on evangelism in an area of our country where less than 2% of the population is considered evangelical Christian.

July 12-25  //  London
This team will help reach the thousands of Gulf Arabs who come to London for vacation. This will be accomplished through Scripture distribution and evangelism.

October 16-20  //  New York (College)
The college ministry will be spending their Fall Break by working with church planters in New York.

December 13-15  //  Detroit
We’ll work with Drew Ansley and Refuge Detroit supporting their Christmas store outreach. People from the neighborhood can shop for Christmas gifts for their kids at discount prices and build meaningful relationships with the church.

Churchwide, Missions

October 6 –  November 3

Operation Christmas Child

For every 100 boxes 25 people come to know Jesus!

Churchwide, Missions


Love Cola

Put Feet To Your Faith

Interested In Going On A Trip? Fill Out The Form Below.

Ministry Leads

Missions Minister
Todd Elkins

Frequently Asked Questions

We would love to see you! Come on out this coming Sunday or Wednesday night.