
To glorify God, unify the body of Christ, and magnify the message of salvation through music.

The choir recording of Like A River Glorious for Prism Music is available to purchase online for a special promotion right now of $10. You have the option of purchasing a CD or a digital download card that will entitle you to two downloads of the album.  Visit here to purchase. 

Make a joyful noise unto the LORD!

Music is the foundation of our worship here at First Baptist Church. Under the direction of Rev. Steve Phillips, Minister of Music, the various choirs and orchestra seek to glorify God, unify the body of Christ, and magnify the message of salvation through music. 

Community is an integral part of everything we do at First Baptist, and we encourage an environment of joy and belonging. There are a variety of groups to get involved with covering all ages. Whether you sing or play an instrument we invite you to join with us and use your gifts to worship the King of Kings.

Save These Dates

Carolina Celebration of Liberty : June 29

Columbia Christmas Pageant : December 13 & 14

Sanctuary Choir


Wednesdays 6:45 – 8 PM 

The Sanctuary Choir is a group of people from all walks of life who join together for the purpose of giving glory to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Led by Rev. Steve Phillips, the choir sings every Sunday morning for the Worship Service.

In addition to Sunday mornings, the choir sings in several big productions throughout the year including the Carolina Celebration of Liberty and the Columbia Christmas Pageant. Throughout the history of FIRST, the Sanctuary Choir has had the privilege to sing with Christian songwriters, Keith and Kristy Getty, the Brooklyn Tabernacle Singers, the Hoppers, and on several occasions with the Billy Graham Team consisting of Cliff Barrows, George Beverly Shea, and John Innes.

Wednesday night practices are in the sanctuary from 6:45 – 8:00 PM. You do not need a reservation to attend. If you want to worship, work, have fun, and be blessed, come to to Sanctuary Choir!

Email if you have any questions.



Wednesdays 5:45 – 8:00 PM 

The Orchestra plays for Sunday morning worship services as well as for special events such as the Columbia Christmas Pageant and the Carolina Celebration of Liberty. Also each summer, the Orchestra plays in a special concert featuring the Orchestra’s favorite songs.

Senior Adult Choir

Senior Adult Choir is a fun group of people that love the life stage they’re in and using their gifts to bring joy and love to others. This group enjoys traveling to local retirement communities, nursing homes, and Shealy’s when they can squeeze it in. Wherever they go, timeless hymns and melodies are sung back to life with the audience singing or clapping along. Senior Adult Choir is fun, worshipful, and loving others through music. We’d love to have you join us.

Senior Adult Choir has resumed Tuesday rehearsals.

If you are interested please call 803-343-8550.

Senior Choir Dates

Tuesday, March 25
· 10:30 a.m. National Health Care Lexington
Tuesday, April 1 
· 11:00 a.m. Music Bingo at Oak Street Health
Tuesday, April 8
10:30 a.m. Generations of Irmo
Tuesday, April 15
· 10:00 a.m. Still Hopes
Tuesday, April 22
· 10:30 Presbyterian Home
· Lunch at Shealy’s
Tuesday, April 29
· 11:00 a.m. Laurel Crest

FirstKids Choir

FirstKids Choir is a part of Midweek @ First

In First Kids Choir we sing, dance, and play instruments! We hide the truths of God in our hearts through music and fun. Our Children sing in worship services and special events, including an annual full-scale musical production. 

Volunteers lead the choir under the direction of Keith Watson, a Christian music educator who has led children’s choir leadership conferences for numerous state conventions, associations, school districts, and churches. In addition, he has written children’s choir materials for publications produced by LifeWay and Growing in Grace.

Down by the Creek Bank

The next FirstKids musical will be on April 27th, 2025

The FirstKids Choir will present the musical Storms on Sunday evening April 27th, 2025, at 6:00 PM

A huge part of FirstKids choir is preparing for the annual Musical. Each year the kids bring drama, story, and song to the big stage. The musical is a giant production with costumes, set pieces, and big dance numbers all focused on sharing the gospel. Embedded in each story and song are biblical truths that point to salvation in Jesus, and every year the FirstKids choir loves to “break a leg” under the lights.
In this year’s musical, our children share how Jesus can bring peace in time of storms—both the outside kind and the ones we experience inside. It will be a fun and meaningful evening for both kids and audience as together we survive the Storms.

Preschool Choir

Each year we host a Preschool Choir showcase featuring many of the things that the younger kids have been learning on Wednesday nights at choir.

Preschool Choir Parent Share (in lieu of Preschool Choir)
On Sunday evening, May 4, parents, family, and friends are invited to experience what our 3K and 4K Choirs have learned this year in Preschool Choir. The fun begins at 5:00 PM.

FirstKids Choir Dates 2025

Sunday, April 6, 10:30 a.m.—Preschool Choir Sings in Worship
Wednesday, April 23—6:00 p.m. Regular Wednesday rehearsal—but in Ellis Hall for 5K through 5th grade
Thursday, April 24, 6:00 p.m.—Musical Dress rehearsal in Ellis Hall
Saturday, April 26, 4:00 p.m.—Musical Dress rehearsal in Ellis Hall
Sunday, April 27,
    • 9:00 a.m. FirstKids Choirs Grades 5K-5th rehearse in the sanctuary
    • 10:30 a.m. Firstkids Choirs Grade 5K-5th Grade sing in worship
    • 3:30 p.m. Dress rehearsal               
    • 5:00 p.m. Snack supper
    • 6:00 p.m. Musical
Wednesday, April 30—Final Choir rehearsal for all FirstKids Choirs
Sunday, May 4, 5:00 p.m. –Preschool Choir Parent Share in Ellis Hall
Rehearsals are on Wednesdays at 5:30 PM.
The Handbell Choir provides instrumental music for worship services and special events in the church and Columbia community. The director, Betty Myers, welcomes new ringers who have a basic ability to read music—with or without handbell experience.

Two Great Annual Celebrations!

The Carolina Celebration of Liberty is the longest running event of its kind in our state. Led by our Sanctuary Choir and Orchestra, it is a flag-waving, patriotic extravaganza in which we honor those presently serving, our veterans, and those who have given the final full measure of devotion for our liberty. It is estimated that it has been seen in person and on television by well over one million people. 
With various state and local dignitaries, special honorees, and thousands in attendance, we come together to honor God and thank Him for this free land that has been a beacon of freedom and liberty around the world.
The Columbia Christmas Pageant is one of the premiere Christmas Celebrations in the South! It has become a Christmas Tradition for thousands who come from South Carolina as well as surrounding states. This year will feature fun Christmas classics as well as a moving time of worship of our Savior. The pageant is a South Carolina Christmas Tradition!

Ministry Leads

Music Minister
Steve Phillips

Associate Music Minister
Rev. Keith Watson

Frequently Asked Questions

It is not necessary. The ability to hear and reproduce the music is important. There are also certain patterns that you will begin to recognize as you go through the music. Most people in the choir do not read music in a formal way.

No. we do not hold auditions.

At present, go to the sanctuary.

Yes! We always need instrumentalists in every area!

Yes we always need choir members! You will be blessed if you come!