9:15 AM
Our ministry serves all special needs adults from the age of 18 years and older. We meet collectively as a group to enjoy a time of Bible study and music. Caregivers are encouraged, but not required to stay.
We have a wonderful group of teachers and workers that come from all walks of life, but love to share the story of how Jesus loves us all!
We also celebrate Special Needs Sunday in June. Our members participate in the worship service, with a dinner following the service. VBS is held for three nights during the summer months.
We also have Happy Hearts, which is a social event, every other month, in which a program and dinner are planned. It’s a fun gathering for all!
July 8-10
Bottom Floor of Columbia Fitness Club (Family Life Center)
Our Special Needs Ministry donated school supplies to Saluda River Academy for the Arts this week. Members of this ministry brought in school supplies over the course of several Sundays in order to bless these kids with pencils, pens, folders, paper, journals and more. We are so proud of them for showing the love of Jesus to kids in our community.
Special Needs Ministry Director
Karen K. Hall
You may enter our department from the Sumter St. side next to Books and Beans, or thru the Lindsay Building hallway.
There is handicapped parking in the Washington St. Lot.
We would love to see you! Come on out this coming Sunday morning.
Yes. We run background checks on all volunteers who work directly with children.