Young Pros

Together we live, play, work, and serve the Body of Christ.

Join us

Sundays @ 9:15 AM
Tuesdays @ 6:30 PM



9:15 AM – Bible Study

When you’re working on your career, it can be challenging to find where you fit, particularly within the Church. The traditional structure of the family and the natural social structure of college are removed, yet in this formative stage of life, people need   support, social and spiritual, as much as ever.

FIRST Young Professionals strives to provide that community while people figure out those big decisions in life, such as career, marriage, where to live, and where to serve as they seek their identity and belonging in Christ and His Church. Together we live, play, work, and serve the Body of Christ.



Ministry Leads

Young Pros Minister
Rob Nicholes


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Frequently Asked Questions

Unless otherwise noted, Young Pros activities take place in the 1420 Building.  Enter through the Washington St. entrance.

We would love to see you! Come on out this coming Sunday mornings or Tuesday nights. 

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